Providing Support for Developmentally Disabled Individuals

We assist individuals with developmental disabilities in acquiring life skills and participating in the local communities of Lincoln and its surrounding areas. Our team is genuinely inspired by those we support, with many members having dedicated decades to their work here. Our goal is to enhance our community by offering opportunities for interdependence, self-advocacy, and the seamless integration of all individuals.

Our Core Values

Leading Motivating Developing Services, LLC will promote quality by focusing on customer satisfaction, employee involvement, teamwork, communication, and continuous improvement.

To Fulfill Its Mission, LMD Services Believes:

  • Every individual was created with value and purpose.
  • Every individual shall be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Every individual can grow and learn through community experiences.
  • Every individual has the right to be the primary decision-maker in their own life and to take responsibility for the direction it takes.
  • Every individual is protected by the full weight of the US Constitution, its amendments, and the laws of the State of Nebraska.


Lead, motivate, and develop skills for community integration, habilitation, and vocational participation in individuals with mental health and developmental disability needs.


We provide the best opportunity for individuals to experience, learn, and participate in their communities, homes, and vocations.


In ancient times, the anchor was viewed as a symbol of safety. It was chosen because it held a ship in place, representing strength and security.

Help Serve Your Community

Partner with LMD Services today and let us know how we can work together to create a brighter future.

Local Businesses

Create a vocational opportunity for the individuals we serve.


Our clients always welcome and appreciate clothing, food, and other items.

Open Your Hearts and Share a Smile

When you see us in the community, send a smile and a friendly wave.

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